The Inner Sea in Gozo Island, located in Dwejra Bay, is a natural formation and one of the most striking stops on tours. This inland sea offers visitors a visual feast and is one of Malta's premier diving spots. Additionally, it is known as a filming location for famous movies like Troy, Gladiator, and Game of Thrones. The Inner Sea is renowned for its impressive rock formations and turquoise waters. After visiting the iconic Azure Window, a former natural arch, now famously known as the Fungus Rock, tourists often stop by T'pino Church, once a humble chapel but now a grand pilgrimage site, to make wishes. Following a taste of Gozo cheese and wine, the tour proceeds to Xlendi, a charming fishing village celebrated for its seafood, where visitors take a lunch break. Finally, the tour concludes in Victoria Rabat, the capital of Gozo Island. Here, visitors explore St. George's Basilica and enjoy a leisurely stroll through its narrow streets.